We Are…
Types of Services…
Knowing the right people, having access to marketing dollars and a microphone, however, isn’t enough to achieve success in communications. +JuJu has a unique expertise, and intimate understanding of the requirements of the media, and marketplace, that enables +JuJu to develop and successfully acquire and retain client bases.
Regardless if one is producing an independent TV commercial or digital pre roll advertisement, or brand placement, the editorial crew is just as important as the crew who filmed it, or directed it. This remains true when it comes to organizing a fundraiser, festival, or a continuing educational event: precision in execution is everything.
Having a core team of experts, with a broad range of expertise, specializing in event production, digital media production and devlopment operations uniquely positions +JuJu in a spot to captivate and empower the target audiences.
+JuJu manages its digital productions just like its events, from organization through strike, and in a proficient manner, limiting delays.
From local news outlets to magazines and the Asssociated Press, Amazon and other online giants like YouTube and Google, +JuJu maximizes every opportunity to merge technology, and leverage collective resources to build brand awareness collectively.
When 10 non-related, noncompeting, brands target a similar audience, and share the cost of engagement, the end result is a lower CPM, amplifying clients’ budgetary impact, using less energy, and having a lower carbon footprint as a result: win-win-win.
+JuJu maximizes resources, exposure and opportuntities to drive a more sustainable brand awareness, and client base development campaign.
The collective experts at +JuJu take brands to the next level, by scaling within clients’ capacity, specialty and budget, acquiring and retaining the targeted customer base.
When a brand is ready, public events are an essential step. Are you ready?
Event Production
+JuJu got its start in hosting medical focused CMU/CEU events that were mandatory, but essential continuing education, and absolutely had to be entertaining, nonetheless.
Taking that event regional, as well as many others since, lasting for years in the event productions space has taught us a thing – or twelve – and +JuJu isn’t as interested in awards as we are on client retention, they come just like the money, a natural by product from a job well done.